The story takes place in the Russian countryside.
The story takes place during World War 2
Mikhail,Nikolai,Rina,Mama,Petr,Zasha, and Pa
The protagonist is Mikhail
The antagonist are the soldiers
The problem is Mikhail has to hide Zasha and not tell anyone about her or she may die!
Soldiers,Mama,Rina,Zasha,Mikhail,Nickolai, and Katia.
Katia is spying on Mikhail and his family. Also soldiers are trying to find Zasha.
Mikhail was being Chased by 4 soldiers and they now know about Zasha because they heard and saw her.
Those 4 soldiers now know about Zasha. The good thing is, they do not know where Mikhail lives.
Mikhail had to run home with Zasha as fast as he could without being seen by the soldiers.
The soldiers now know about Zasha
The problem was solved at the end by soldiers were starting to leave and then Pa came home from war! Everybody was happy because they got to keep Zasha and Pa really liked her! Nobody was really upset at the end!